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Our Latest ISI Inspection

Clevelands Preparatory School is inspected regularly by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). 

We welcomed a team of inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate to the school in October 2022. They spent three days with us and completed an EQI inspection (Educational Quality with Focused Compliance). This is often referred to as a ‘full’ inspection, which assesses regulatory compliance against the statutory Independent School Standards as well as evaluating the educational quality of the school.

In the compliance element, the outcome is either ‘met’ or ‘not met’ against eight standards; and in the educational quality element the outcome for (i) the achievement of pupils including their academic development and (ii) their personal development is judged as either unsatisfactory, sound, good or excellent.

We are delighted to say that Clevelands Preparatory School achieved the highest possible grading in an inspection, namely met across all the eight standards as well as ‘Excellent’ in all areas of the EQI element.

The inspectors’ evaluation of our school is brimming with superlatives and I heartily encourage you to read the whole report. The Regulatory Compliance part (pages 5-7) is necessarily formulaic in relation to the framework of standards. On the other hand, the EQI evaluation (pp.8 -12) allows the inspectors a little more latitude to express the excellence they discovered whilst experiencing life at the school. These are a selection of their observations:

  • Pupils of all ages display excellent knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum, and make excellent progress, achieving highly in both academic and other areas.
  • Pupils are excellent communicators. They use mature vocabulary in their speaking and writing, read fluently and develop excellent listening skills from a very young age.
  • Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning, responding to challenges with enthusiasm and determination.
  • Pupils throughout the school develop high levels of perseverance, resilience and self-confident.
  • Pupils' social development and collaboration skills are excellent. They take pride in contributing responsibly to the everyday life of teh school and the community beyond.
  • Pupils are very well behaved and courteous and polite. They show great respect for all cultures.
  • Pupils' spiritual understanding and appreciation of non-materials aspects of life is highly developed. They appreciate art, music and value greatly their family and friends.

You can read the full report here.